Dylan Bennet Klebold was born on september 11th 1981 in lakewood colardo, his parents are Susan and Thomas Klebold.

he was 143lbs(19.5kg) and 6'3ft at 17 years old. he liked bands such as KMFDM, Nine Inch nails, chemical brothers.

Dylan was bullied frequently at columbine high. he was pelted with ketchup covered tampons, called a faggot, be picked on and had a cup of feces thrown at him (allegedly)

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold met in the 7th grade and became inseperable over the years. they would make a series of home videos such as "hitmen for hire", "rampart range", "breakfast run" and the not available to the public "basement tapes".

on april 20th 1999, him and eric shot up columbine high. killing 13 people (12 students and 1 teacher) and wounding 24 others. Dylan wore a shirt with the word "WRATH" on it, black cargo pants, a trenchcoat, combat boots and a boston red sox baseball cap.

Dylan and Eric died in the library due to suicide (TEC-9 to his left temple) after the massacre at 12:02pm. they also planned to have bombs detonate, estimated killing 450 people in the cafeteria but they didnt go off.


Dylan in the hitmen for hire video

Dylan the day of the massacre

Dylan playing cards

Dylan eating some cake

Dylan at the table

Dylan with his mother

Dylan's setting sun shirt